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Этот рецепт из книги
"Einfach köstlich-2"

Дрожжевое тесто:
250 мл тёплого молока
1 пачку дрожжей(на 700г муки)
1ч л соли
4 яйца
700 г муки
смешать молоко + дрожжи + 100 г муки. Дать подойти.

200г сахара + 200г маргарина взбить

Тесто на масленной поверхности раскатать,намазать массу.
Тесто разрезать пополам и каждую половинку свернуть в трубочку.
Трубочки порезать на кусочки по 3 см и уложить на смазоный глубокий противень как "розочки".
Ещё раз дать подойти 30 минут.
Выпекать ри 180 градусах 20 минут.
500 мл молока+2 пачки ванилина+1 маленький стакан сахара довести до кипения.
За 8 минут до того,как вытащить булочки,полить их этим.

Очень вкусные получаются

Категория: Пироги | Добавил: leni05 (24.Фев.2010)
Просмотров: 6957 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 4.7/11
Всего комментариев: 3
5 valya • 1.09 PM, 12.Июл.2010
This is for anyone living in the United States who has no idea how to make this recipe because of the European measurements. I actually went online and converted all of the measurements when I was making these rolls. I thought it might be good to put the recipe on here with the English measurements for anyone out there who might find it easier to make these Butterrosens that way.

Yeast Dough:

1 cup of warm milk
4 teaspoons of dry yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
4 eggs
3 cups of flour (Add more if needed)

Mix the milk, yeast, and 3/4 cup of flour. Add the salt, eggs, and the rest of the flour. I had to add an extra 1 1/2 cups of flour, so I ended up using a total of 4 1/2 cups. Allow the dough to rise.


1 cup of sugar
7/8 cup of margarine or butter at room temperature
Beat 1 cup of sugar with 7/8 cup (14 tablespoons) of margarine or butter. Beat it well until the mix becomes creamy.

Roll the dough out onto a flat, buttered surface. I melted some butter in the microwave and buttered the table with it, but you might be able to just spray it with cooking spray instead. Once you've rolled out the dough, spread the cream out into it. Then roll it up and cut it into 1-1 1/2 inch rings. Place them into deep, buttered baking pans. I just sprayed them with cooking spray. Let the rolls rise for about a half hour. Then, bake them at 355° Fahrenheit. Bake for about 20 minutes and then add the following:


2 cups of milk
2 teaspoons of vanilla* extract
1 cup of sugar

Bring 2 cups of milk, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and 1 cup of sugar to a boil and pour onto the rolls. Continue baking for another 10-20 minutes, or until the rolls are a golden brown color on top.

*The original recipes calls for 2 packs of ванилин. We happened to be out of vanilla extract, so I used 2 packs of ‘vanilla sugar’ that my mom had brought from Ukraine recently. I’m not sure what 2 packs of ванилин equals, but my guess is that you could substitute it for about 2 or 3 teaspoons of vanilla extract.

The rolls really do taste good :) Hope I was able to help someone out with this translation :)
6 люда74 • 8.58 AM, 27.Мар.2010
Выглядет очень аппетитно, Попробуем приготовить!!!!!! thank_you thank_you
7 Света • 1.42 AM, 10.Мар.2010
Очень вкусно !!! Спасибо!!! good good good